AI-derived cancer vaccines: the pharmaphorum podcast


Today on the pharmaphorum podcast, Editor in Chief Jonah Comstock welcomes Hedi Ben Brahim and Eric Quéméneur, CEO and chief science officer respectively of Transgene, to discuss cancer vaccines in general and Transgene’s recent work in the space in particular. 

Topics include: how cancer vaccines differ from other vaccines, how AI is driving the creation of new therapeutic cancer vaccines, how cancers evade the immune response, and TG4050, the newest drug candidate Transgene presented recently at ASCO. 

Cancer vaccines are a major part of how the oncology space is evolving, and technology like AI is supercharging that evolution. Tune in to learn more. 

You can listen to episode 58 of the pharmaphorum podcast in the player below, download the episode to your computer or find it – and subscribe to the rest of the series in iTunes, Spotify, acast, Stitcher and Podbean.   

25 August, 2022